The History of Simpson UMC
Simpson Methodist Church was organized 1859. Three years later the first church building was completed at Maple Street, East Brunswick Township, then a section of Old Bridge. This area of East Brunswick is still lovingly refered to as "The Historic Villiage of Old Bridge" by many of the old time residents that grew up in that section and still live there. The building (which is now the East Brunswick Historical Museum) was in use for over 100 years.
The church was named after Bishop Matthew Simpson, a pioneer in Methodism. He was a college and seminary president, world traveler, an eloquent preacher, and a devoted friend of Abraham Lincoln. When President Lincoln was assassinated in 1856, Bishop Simpson delivered the eulogy in Springfield, Illinois.
Simpson's membership continued to grow until the depression era, when things looked bleak. A few faithful persons kept the church going. The church was connected with Spotswood Methodist Church for many years, sharing the minister. The church received their first full-time pastor in 1954.
Simpson celebrated its one hundredth anniversary in 1959 and as membership increased, church officials began planning for a new home. The present church building (located at Route 516 and Owens Road, Old Bridge) was completed in 1962.
In 1968, the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Church became one denomination and we were renamed Simpson United Methodist Church.
We have been on Route 516 in Old Bridge now for over 60 years. Our Worship Services are at 11:00 AM each Sunday. We have Sunday School for all ages, Vacation Bible School, Bible Study Classes, Choir, Handbell Choir, an active youth group, fund-raising dinners and dinners just for fellowship, parking lot sales and many other activities.
We extend an invitation to all who wish to visit us, and would be pleased to have you join our our congregation.