Worship Service
11:00 am Traditional
In-Person Worship
in Sanctuary
Sunday Morning Activities
Sunday Mens Group Bible Study
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Children's Sunday School
10:00 am
Sunday Jr & Sr High School
Devotions 10:15 AM.
Services also on
Weather Update for ASH WEDNESDAY:
Good afternoon Friends!
With sadness and regret, but out of an abundance of caution, we have made the decision to cancel our Ash Wednesday dinner and in person worship due to the substantial threat of hazardous weather conditions during that time period.
However! We have a "Plan B!"
Pastor Kevin will be offering ashes at Simpson UMC from 7:30am-9:00am tomorrow morning and offering ashes at Belford UMC from 10:30am-12noon.
We will have a modified Ash Wednesday worship service at 7:30pm on Facebook Live via the Simpson UMC facebook page.
We hope you can stop by and receive your ashes and that you will join us for worship as we begin our Journey To The Cross!
Blessings to you all!
Simpson United Methodist Church
2095 Route 516 (Corner of Owens Road) Old Bridge, NJ 08857 (732) 679-7499 SimpsonUMC516@gmail.com
Rev. Kevin Davis - Pastor
Come experience God's presence among us!
"Committed By Faith, We Build and Grow"
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Simpson United Methodist Church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service/mission/minsistry oppor-tunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Our Vision for Simpson
As a United Methodist Church, we are an open, loving, and diverse Christian family who reaches out to serve our members, our community and all people as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Services &
Sunday Morning Traditional Service 11:00 AM.
Men's Group Bible Study
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Sunday Jr & Sr High School Devotions 10:15 AM.
Children's Sunday School 10:00 AM.
Diverse in church offerings and Community Outreach opportunities.
March/April 2025
“Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Mark 8:34NIV
Greetings Friends,
As I write this, my ears are filled with the sound of a cold gusting wind, and bitter wind chills and find myself longing for the changeover to Spring, the warmer weather, buds on the trees, birds returning, and Easter! But. . . I also know that we must go through the blustery barrenness of winter to get to the beauty of Spring. As much as I dislike the wind, cold, and bleakness of winter, I saw my first group of Robins! To me that is always a sign that a change is coming and now I look forward to hearing the Spring Peepers begin their singing.
As we continue our journey to the cross and the empty tomb, spend some time letting the above verse play in your head and heart. What does it mean to ‘take up our cross’ and follow him? Well, it means giving everything over to God, and laying our all at his feet to use us in whatever way is needed. It is a total commitment to serving God and Gods people. Not just when it is convenient or easy, but also when it means being in the wilderness, or inconvenient, or when we are unsure, We are in a season of repentance, forgiveness, and reflection that leads to a season of joy and new life! We will begin our Lenten Journey together at the Belford Church on Ash Wednesday and we’ll share in a new Lenten Daily Devotion and Wednesday Bible Study. So, let us take up our cross, join in every opportunity to be together as the Church and continue this journey through Lent. Let us follow Jesus.
As we approach the beauty of Easter, let us take every opportunity to be together in worship, fellowship, study, prayer, giving, and service. Stay tuned for more details about all the opportunities we have to worship together, study together, pray together, and serve together all leading up to a meaningful Holy Week worship and the celebration of the Resurrection!
Let us continue to build and grow together in God’s amazing grace!
In service to the kingdom with you,
Pastor Kevin